Thursday, April 8, 2010

Today was a fairytale :)

Today was one of those genuinely great days. For starters, I didn't have to work. That's always a good thing. But Kara's boyfriend Logan flew in yesterday so he's gonna be here for a couple weeks. We had it all planned out to kinda celebrate Easter late since he was going to be here. The original plan was to have an Easter egg hunt just for the boys but Eric kinda vetoed that plan. So me and Kara went and got a game kit that included a net and some badminton stuff and a volleyball and some other games. We also made a Home Depot shopping trip and got some PVC pipe and fittings and built the frame for a game my grandpa used to have.

We went to the park and had some sandwiches for lunch. Then we basically just played at the park. Some badminton and "snakes" as we like to call it. It was such a beautiful day. 75 degrees or so, I might even have a sunburn. But it was so nice just to go and play in the park. Nowhere to be. Unfortunately Eric had to work at 4. So we came home at 3:30 and had a little bit of time together. So until his lunch break at 8 o'clock it's just me.

I'm watching The Blind Side for about the 5th time since Monday. I just don't get sick of it. It's probably one of the best movies I've ever seen. It never ceases to break my heart. And then heal it right back up. i think this summer is going to be fun. I hope so anyway.

Anyways. i think that's enough for today. I just felt like I needed to write about how great this day was. Seems like there's not enough of those to go around.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Getting Ready for Summer

It's felt like summer pretty much the past couple of weeks but it's just about to that point where it's gonna be really really hot outside. I can tell. But I'm already getting ready for summer. I'm working on my tan and spring cleaning is pretty much done with the exception of me and Kara's apartment. That'll happen when we move out though. Eric's apartment is all neat and tidy though. I've been doing a little bit of decorating. :)

This summer is gonna be busy busy BUSY. I'm going back to school. I'm actually quite excited about it. But it's gonna be a lot of work this summer. Summer classes are intense. They have to fit an entire semester of work into two months so most of the classes are 4 days a week for 2 hours every day. If I'm going to continue working this summer (which I kinda have to so I am) I won't be able to take very many classes. Otherwise I won't even have time to do homework so I will fail the classes which would result in a big waste of time and money. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to pay for school. Probably some student loans and being broke for the next 4 years. haha. But it'll be worth it. I'm going into Information Technology and those people make bank! haha.

Me and Eric went to Vegas. We didn't get to do a whole lot but we went to the top of the Eiffel Tower and we went and saw Jeff Dunham which was really good. I want to go back though and show him more of the strip. He's never been the M&M factory or the Coke factory and he's never seen the lions at MGM so I for sure want to take him and show him around. He also doesn't understand the beauty of Disneyland. I'm gonna have to work on that someday. Well that's pretty much what's going on in my life. Let's see what's happening... in your neck of the woods. Haha. Sorry. Just had a Today moment.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pillow, anyone?

I can barely keep my eyes open long enough to write this. Well, saturday i had to work at 8:30, my boss let me leave at 4 so that me and Eric could drive to Nephi. Which was great. Up until we finally left Washington County at about 5:20. I made Eric drive, which turned out to be a really good thing. We drove through a little bit of snow and it was no big deal. Then, all of the sudden, we reach the traffic that's at a dead hault. We putted along for 45 minutes. Then, a double semi was stuck on the side of the road, and both lanes right next to this double semi had 2 more semi's stuck in the middle of the road. So, while the tow truck is trying to get the double unstuck, we sat in one place for an hour. Then we proceeded to drive through snow drifts until about fillmore, then we outran the snow storm. Long story short, what should have been a 3 hour drive, was a 5 hour drive. Left St. G at 5, got to Nephi at 10.

After playing some Wii, I slept like a freaking rock. And my amazing mother woke us up with breakfast upstairs. Went out to the shed, played some dominoes. Ate some good food, played a little pool, played more dominoes, played with all the kids. It was a good day.

Haha poor Eric. He kinda just got thrown in and had to fend for himself mostly. It's kinda like getting thrown into a wolf pack. But he did good, he was playing dominoes and screwing people over with the rest of us. The kids loved him. He was like a jungle gym to them.

But Eric had school this morning so we were going to drive home last night but it was already kinda late and there were still clouds so we decided to wait til this morning. We had to leave Nephi at 6 this morning to get here in time for him to shower and then head to class. He's in class right now actually. So i think I'm going to take a nap. Haha. I'm tired. But I'll do some blessings.

5 for today:

1. St. George's warm weather. Makes it hard to leave.
2. My family for being really open (for the most part. haha)
3. Jessica. for keeping Ryan tamed.
4. Eric, for being really patient and for not judging me by my crazy family. Haha. Jk
5. A really soft bed that I am on my way to right now.

Friday, March 12, 2010


It's friday. Which is good news. I have to work in the morning but as soon as I get off work, me and Eric are off to Nephi. :) I cannot wait. Nephi is one of my very favorite places. Kara is going home this weekend. So we already have plans to meet up at Reeds tomorrow night and then we're gonna sit in her hot tub. But i've also got plans to hang out with the parents and challenge them to a Wii game or two. Eric gets to meet all the families. Mine, my Flying J family, and probably Kara's. Haha. He is going to get the Nephi tour. I'm sure he's thrilled.

Well, since I only have two followers and Eric already knows... Amy, don't tell mom! But i did something kinda crazy today. Something that is going to be totally fun but i may have spent more on it than i should have. Anyway. Jeff Dunham is going to be in Vegas next Saturday and me and Eric have tickets! I'm stoked. It's going to be so fun. Eric doesn't like Vegas so I have to change that. He's going to see Vegas in a different light when I'm done with him.

I got a letter from Orey today. That's always a good thing. I miss that kid. Only 7 months to go.

Alright that's all I got. But I will do some more blessings.

Blessings for today:

1. Aidee. The only reason I didn't quit my job today.
2. Rickelle. The girl with all the heart.
3. Orey. For brightening my day with your letters.
4. Nephi. For calling my name so loudly I'm going to practically run out of work tomorrow.
5. White polos. To keep my attention focused in the right place. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 3.. Goin Strong.

Not much to say right now. Day is kinda going by really fast. I'm sitting on my couch facebooking and blogging and watching dumb reality on VH1. haha. Tool Academy was on earlier and now I'm watching Celebrity Fit Club. It's my second day off in a row. But i go back to work tomorrow at 8:30. I'm thinking about doing something sneeky. And I would talk about it more but Eric is a follower on my blog so i can't. Haha. I'm going to Nephi in a couple of days. Gonna be gone Saturday night until Monday morning. I'm excited to see everyone. And to get my Wii on. Well. Not much else to talk about. So I guess I'll do more blessings.

5 Blessings for Today:

1. Free day away from Home Depot.
2. A big tub full of warm water that is about to be waiting for me.
3. You & me? Or.. you & me? .... Both. :)
4. Sandra Bullock. Congrats on your Academy award. You're amazing.
5. Eric's new apartment.... A save haven away from roommates and their messes.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

Well, so much for the sunny St. George thing. Really, since I've moved to St. George I have seen more rain than I have ever seen the rest of my life. It never rained this much in Nephi or Cedar. But then again, it snows in those places. If it snows here, it snows for 10 seconds and then it starts raining. Not that I mind the rain, I actually really like the rain. I just like the sunshine more! Definitely haven't seen enough of that lately. Plus it gets really cold in St. George when it rains. It's 37 degrees outside right now. Which is why i'm in sweats sitting inside writing this blog I suppose.

Eric is bashing on the blogging idea. He says that if he had one it would be a place to vent so it would always be really negative. He's emo like that sometimes. Haha. Just kidding just kidding.

I just learned that Jen Lancaster has another book out. I've read her first two and I have the third but I haven't started on it yet. That's my next project. She is by far one of the funniest people I've ever heard of. She honestly just cracks me up.

It's my day off today. And what with the rain I don't know what I'm going to do. Possibly laundry. Me and Kara's laundry is starting to pile up.

Well, my sister did something awhile back that I thought was pretty cool so I'm gonna try and do it. I don't know if it'll be every day but we'll try. Here goes....

5 Blessings for Today:

1. Eric, for always entertaining me just by being himself.
2. Kara, because it's always so easy to lose our daily problems and rant about something else.
3. Nilla wafers. Doesn't get any better.
4. Youtube. So that even though I never get to watch American Idol, I can watch the performances online.
5. Warm comfy pajama pants that I stole from Eric, since his apartment is the artic circle 98% of the time.

Umbrella, anyone?

Monday, March 8, 2010


Well, it's official. I have a blog. I've been wanting one lately to kinda write down my thoughts and to do updates about my life. There's been a lot on my mind lately. I've been missing my family a lot lately. All it takes is moving 3 hours away to realize how good you have it somewhere else. Don't get me wrong, I like living on my own with my best friend Kara. I love my job at Home Depot, I love the WEATHER! I love being able to spend time with my friends down here. But it would be nice to see my family more. I have the best family I could ask for. I have grandparents that I'm super close to and that would do anything for me. My mom is one of my best friends. My dad is the best teddy bear. I have 3 older siblings that, even though they love to remind me that I'm still the baby, take care of me and treat me like I'm a friend, not just a sister. And I love the in-laws too. I'm so grateful that all my siblings have someone that they love and are happy. I have 11 of the BEST nieces and nephews in the world. I absolutely LOVE being Aunt Marci. We really have the best kids in the world. Luckily I get to go home this weekend and see everyone. Gotta get some of that Grandma's cookin'. haha.

Today I'm also missing someone. I came across a couple of old pictures on facebook of one of my brother's best friends from school. His name was Sam McCoy. He was another one of my big brothers growing up. He passed away a few years back. I haven't thought about him in awhile but I saw those pictures today and it made me remember how much I loved him when I was younger. He was probably one of my very favorite people in the world.

But it's not all sad and sorrows today. I am lucky enough to have one of the good guys as my boyfriend. His name is Eric and I adore him. He just got moved into his new apartment this past weekend. Much help from me, might I add. Haha. I think I've spent almost as much time in the new place as he has. Maybe even more. It's pretty much done. A guy we work with is giving him a washer and dryer so he has to go pick that up sometime. And another guy has a table for him so he's gotta get that sometime. He's gotta put together his closet today and then the bedroom will be done. The bathroom is done. The kitchen will be one he gets the washer/dryer. Then's there's the spare bedroom that is a disaster area. But it's all car parts and tools and stuff that I have no idea about so I'm not touching it.

Well I don't know how regular I'll be about writing in this but I'll try. First Blog entry.... Done. :)